Conservative MP, Garnett Genuis, claiming the CPC has the "strongest concrete" pro life policy. How can that be when the CPC has made it clear they will not allow legislation against abortion?
From: Garnett Genuis
Date: October 11, 2019 at 11:04:28 AM PDT
To: Tanya
Subject: Pro-life policy announcement
Dear Tanya,
I'm excited to share a very exciting pro-life and pro-family policy announcement with you. The Conservative Party has just announced that, if elected, we will introduce EI adoption leave benefits for adoptive parents and boost the Adoption Expense Tax Credit.
This pro-adoption announcement is the strongest concrete deliverable pro-life policy proposed by any party this election.
CLICK HERE to watch Ruth Shaw share her adoption story and why this policy matters. (For the YouTube version, click here.)
Isn't that an amazing message? I hope you'll share it.
This policy would give adoptive parents the same leave from work as biological parents, thus ending discrimination against adoptive families. It would also increase the Adoptive Expense Tax Credit. Currently, the maximum tax savings a Canadian adoptive family is eligible to receive in 2020 is $2,482. Under a new Conservative government, that same family will receive $3,000, which is an increase of $518.
As a party, we are committed to supporting adoption and, as Conservatives, we fight for you and for your family.
We'll also eliminate the Liberals' discriminatory Summer Jobs Values Test attestation.
We remain steadfast in our support of fundamental freedoms.
Be sure to get out and vote!
Yours sincerely, Garnett Genuis
P.S. Could you help us broadcast Ruth's video more widely on social media? If you support adoption, please chip in $25 right now by clicking here so that we can boost the post on social media so more Canadians can see why adoption matters. -=-=-
Garnett Genuis ยท Canada
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