Canadian Coalition For Responsible Government
The Driving Force Behind the LGBTQ
Political Movement
The following Report is an Alert advising of the current war we find ourselves in, for the hearts
and minds of our children, against Sexually Deviant Activists pushing unscientific and trans
ideology in an attempt to deconstruct the family and cultural norms. This report is intended to
equip Elected officials, Leaders of the Church, and all Citizens with facts and resources
necessary to counter the lies and misinformation. We must be informed and no longer permit
the soft language of inclusion, acceptance and equality to silence the critical opposition
necessary to preserve a strong, moral, and democratic society.
To protect Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Belief. Knowledge is power.
This article is a publication, with hyper-links, to important information. Please 'click' on the
the link above to access hyperlinks.
There are legitimate concerns and significant objections to the ever-increasing amount of
political propaganda associated with the LGBTQ2+ sex activist lobby initiated by the United
Nations, directed at our children and society as a whole.
This includes:
• Comprehensive Sex Education , Eg, SOGI 123 BC schools (indoctrination) (more
information below)
• Changing the Human Rights Act to include gender expression and gender identity
• Pride Parades (warning graphic images)
• Rainbow crosswalks , Flags,
• Rainbow stickers (intended to create 'safe' spaces? Do we assume these spaces were
unsafe prior to the stickers or is it propaganda?)
• Public Imagery (please sign petition)
• media, legal documents, forced pronouns, women's/children's private spaces, attacks
against personal beliefs and convictions, freedom of speech, businesses, etc.
The creator of the Pride flag, Gilbert Baker, did not mince words when he declared its meaning,"That's what flags are for. "Flags are about proclaiming power"... that
visibility is Key to our success and to our justice."
With this in mind...do we want the rainbow flag being raised at our schools claiming
power over our youth? ...or our cities?
The loud voice afforded to the LGBTQ2++ activists must be tempered and it is imperative that
the voice of reason, rationale and commonsense prevail.
To be clear, opposition is not against the individual peacefully living their lives. It is aimed
directly at those who are attacking Canadian's Rights, Freedoms and Democracy. The
LGBTQ 2++ activists are attempting to mask their intentions as a noble cause yet cloaked in
deceptive language. This is not a harmless, benign agenda to promote inclusion, anti-bullying
and equivalent human rights.
The once earnest cause to support the LGBTQ community has mutated into an ideological
demonization of hetero-normativity by the LGBTQ2++ political movement which now exploits
the gay and lesbian community using them to vilify and attack our society's concepts of
gender. Disguised as "Social Justice Warriors" the political movement is inflicting and
imposing lies and misinformation in order to advance their agenda to deconstruct the family,
remove parental rights and sexualize our children.
Anyone who does not agree is attacked using hateful bullying tactics, labelling those who
oppose as Nazi, Alt Right, homophobic, transphobic, intolerant, bigots. Victimization of this
group has enabled manipulation of our anti-hate laws wherein you can now be convicted for
your 'Speech'. Opposition is no longer a Freedom. It has been replaced by the "Thought
Police". The Sex Activists no longer strive for acceptance, their goal is domination of 'their'
The Canadian Human Rights Act, both federally and provincially, was specifically amended to
give special privilege to the LGBTQ community by adding 'gender identity and gender
expression' - an unnecessary decision as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms already
covered the protection of citizens equally.
Section 15 (1): "Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the
equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination".
However, the amendment now permits individuals to force unscientific delusions on the rest of
society and demands, not only acceptance, but participation. If you refuse to comply there is
the risk of being dragged before the Human Rights Council, thus being forced to forfeit
freedom of thought and belief.
The change to the Human Rights Code is in conflict with the provision of rights permitted in
the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The HR code must be challenged and
The "Duty of State Neutrality" also stipulates neutrality must be adhered to and upheld by
elected officials, who must do so without favour and in respect of the law. Giving special rights
to one group is divisive and unlawful.
The Supreme Court of Canada addressed this issue in Mouvement laïque québécois v. Saguenay
(City), 2015 SCC 16, [2015] 2 S.C.R. 3 (para 72 -74). it stated:
• [73]..."When the state adheres to a belief, it is not merely expressing an opinion on the subject. It is creating a hierarchy of beliefs and casting doubt on the value of those it does not share. It is also ranking the individuals who hold such beliefs:
• [74]"By expressing no preference, the state ensures that it preserves a neutral public space that is free of discrimination and in which true freedom to believe or not to believe is enjoyed by everyone equally, given that everyone is valued equally.
The UN Convention on the Rights of a Child supports parental rights in raising children and determining best practices. Article 14;[2]
• [2] Parties shall respect the rights and duties of the parents and, when applicable, legal guardians, to provide direction to the child in the exercise of his or her right in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child.
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights 26(3)
• (3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
In spite of this, there is currently a dangerous agenda, set by the UN "Human Rights Council" who appointed an LGBTQ Czar, Vitit Muntarbhorn, to ensure 'every' UN Member Nationcomplies with the following 5 point mandate:
• decriminalize sodomy,
• prevent mental health professionals from treating homosexuality as a disorder,
• ensure legal documents reflect individuals' subjective gender identity,
• impose social acceptance of homosexuality, including by challenging religions,
• and indoctrinating children and society through propaganda at all levels.
UN Goals For Humanity Target Children as "Agents of Change".
It comes in the form of the aforementioned Comprehensive Sexuality Education. It is supported by the UNFPA , UNICEF, IPPF, UNESCO and the UN World Health Organization. CSE is a program that "seeks to change sexual and gender norms in children as early as possible". Instructing children 0-4 to be taught about masturbation, 4-6 to be taught about same sex relationships, etc.
The UN's edict is already a full reality in Canada with the overwhelming support and endorsement from the Prime Minister and the Liberal and NDP governments.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lowered the age of anal sex from 18 to 16 in support of the UNHRC's objective.
The depth of sexual depravity has no limit, opening the door to incest and bestiality.
Bill C-16 (known as the bathroom bill) amended the Canadian Human Rights Act, federally, to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination aligning with the demands of the UNHRC, allowing -
• men into women's washrooms and change rooms, putting women and children at risk.
• boys into girls change rooms and bathrooms
• boys/men to compete in girls/women's sports.
• access to women's prisons and women's shelters.
**Note**- the majority of transgender males are fully intact. Consider the risks for women inshelters and prisons.
Consider the sacrifice of women athletes, who train vigorously to compete, only to be outdone by a male counterpart. Losing scholarships and opportunities. Is a transgender's journey to glory more important than a biological woman's?
Gender Neutral bathrooms, in High Schools, "Students" are protesting decision. Boys and Girls are being forced to use the same bathroom and showers. Open space between stalls, risk of filming.
One of the most heinous organizations is one in which paedophiles are re-branding themselves as "MAPs" or "Minor Attracted Persons" in an effort to gain acceptance and sympathy and be included into the LGBT community. The blanket term MAP includes infantophiles (infants), paedophiles (pre-pubescent children), hebephiles (pubescent children), and ephebophiles (post-pubescent children). Having gone so far as to create their own flag. Refer to Video exposing the push for Paedophilia (**full version).
Gender neutral and non-binary pronouns have been imposed, no matter how illogical.
A beauty pageant in Spain recently allowed a transgender male to participate... and win. And will now be the first biological male to compete in the Miss Universe Pageant. "There are women with a penis and men with a vagina, because the only key part of being a woman is to be and feel like a woman," 'she' said.
The transgender movement is fraudulently attacking the unique creation, value and beauty of womanhood and emasculating boys/men and their unique creation and strengths.
Facts about transgenderism.
An egregious component of the LGBTQ agenda is against individuals who are caught in this lifestyle and may be victims of childhood abuse. Whether sexual, physical, or emotional, it has had a powerful and lasting effect on the psyche and, if left untreated, manifests itself in the form of self-abuse such as drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, depression, suicidal tendencies, self-mutilation and unhealthy relationships. Due to the gross agenda of the radical LGBTQ2+, these individuals are being exploited and marginalized rather than genuinely being supported through counselling and care in a safe and healthy environment.
A priority of the Homosexual Agenda is to prohibit and outlaw conversion therapy, particularly for teenagers. This is an attack against a parent's right to provide counselling for their child. Vancouver has banned conversion therapy and several U.S. states have enacted such laws. This would effectively ban all forms of therapy or the sale of material to help anyone who sought freedom from homosexual urges or gender confusion to seek faith-based counselling and resources.
Conversion Therapy Report - In debunking the LGBTQ's claim that Conversion Therapy is ineffective former chief psychologist "Nicholas A. Cummings, declares, "Gays and lesbians have the right to be affirmed in their homosexuality." However, he also wrote in USA Today that "of the patients I oversaw who sought to change their orientation, "Hundreds were successful".
Good News - Recent push back in California by faith-based organizations, family counselors, church leaders, OnceGay and citizens alike, recently defeated a bill to ban conversion therapy.
Puberty blockers have been approved for children/youth who are questioning their gender. Despite the fact that, statistically, 80-95% of children work through confusion to eventually embrace their birth gender if not discouraged from doing so. In an effort to force parents to comply, new Ontario law allows gov't to seize children if parents oppose their gender identity.Puberty blockers are extremely harmful and leaves permanent damage. Puberty blockers sterilize children. Invasive surgery has been approved for youth, removing perfectly healthy body parts. Youth are not permitted to vote, buy alcohol or drugs until they are 18 or 19 but life-changing, permanent surgery, mutilating their bodies, is somehow acceptable. This is child abuse.
Individuals who have undergone sex reassignment surgery have a 20 times greater rate of committing suicide than the general population.
Sex Change Regret Stories. those who underwent "sex change" operations but then experienced regret and ended up accepting their biological sex.
"Sex is a binary biological characteristic of the human person that is established by our DNA at conception. One is conceived either male or female. Gender, in contrast, is a term that refers to the psychological and cultural characteristics associated with biological sex. Gender identity refers to an individual's awareness of being male or female and is sometimes referred to as an individual's "experienced gender." Gender identity has to do with thoughts and feelings."
A Pediatrician explains why the transgender movement is a fraud.
American College of Pediatricians reports Gender Ideology Harms Children.
Health hazards of homosexuality and mounting health care costs. Syphilis rates continue to climb amongst gay men as well as oral cancer and anal cancer. "Among men who have sex with men (MSM), the incidence of anal cancer is significantly more prevalent and increasing annually", as reported by the National LGBT Cancer Network.
In BC, taxpayers are covering the full cost for individuals to receive HIV prevention medication.$15,000/per year per person. While diabetics, and others, are forced to pay for their life-saving drugs, gay men, who choose to take part in risky sex, are fully covered.
"Millions" of taxpayer dollars are paid every year, throughout the provinces, to fund LGBTQ2+ organizations.
Gladd is the media arm of the LGBTQ (USA). It "works with news, entertainment, sports, and
social media in an attempt to share LGBT stories in an aim to change society." "GLAAD has already empowered itself by being able to use a mass communication tool to build and frame its agenda with the assistance of the mass media. ...Furthermore, less appealing truths are avoided in an aim to strategically advance the organization's goals for an overall perceived greater good, even at the potential harm created by such avoidance". EGALE is a Canadian version.
Flags and Crosswalks - A method of self-victimization is advancing the LGBTQ's movement. The rainbow crosswalk and flag are key to their progress as they conquer one city/school after another, claiming these symbols are inclusive of everyone.
The pride parades are vile, exposing children to degeneracy, nudity, perversion, bondage and extreme sexual fetishes and indecent acts. (Warning graphic images) If parents took their child to a strip club the child would very likely be removed from the parent's care, yet taking children to Pride 'Festivals" is acceptable.
Foster care and adoption. There are growing instances wherein traditional families are being demonized and priority is being given to placing children with gay couples, despite children having lived for many years in a traditional home, and the foster parent's willingness to adopt them.The best interest of the child is being overlooked, yielding to a Political agenda.
In July 2016 the BC Human Rights Code was changed to include 'gender identity or expression' (Bill 27), provincially, without the public's awareness... yet 100 sex activists showed up for the vote. Then BC Premier, Christi Clarke, reportedly, ordered her MLA's to vote in support or else! 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading all in one day. This opened the door...very timely....to secretly launch the SOGI 123 Resource Sept./2016 into numerous school districts.
Around the world this agenda is rapidly progressing. Once the Human Rights Code is amended to include 'gender identity and expression', opposition is stifled and the invasive sex-ed resource follows shortly thereafter.
SOGI 123 Resource is an example of what is being integrated into every facet of the Canadian Education system beginning in Kindergarten to grade 12. Including the indoctrination of teachers (a UBC program is required to obtain degree). The resource teaches and promotes normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism and gender dysphoria. Parental rights are being violated and the resource is a threat to our child's identity, values, morals and religious beliefs.
SOGI teaches children that gender is fluid, they can be a boy, a girl, anything in between or neither, teaching explicit sexual behaviour well beyond their intellectual capacity. Instructing teachers they can no longer use the term boy and girl, mother and father, pink or blue, stick people, removing celebrating mother's/father's day in school, to question parental authority, etc...the list goes on. (Refer to further SOGI resource links provided below).
Drag Queen story time for children in schools and public libraries. The trend began in San Francisco and is quickly moving throughout Canadian public libraries.
The BC Ministry of Education is demanding every child be taught the SOGI 123 resource and has intentionally intertwined it throughout the curriculum to ensure parents cannot have their child opt out.
SOGI 123 was created by the ARC foundation in partnership with the BC Ministry of Education, BC Teacher's Federation, UBC Faculty of Education and local, national and international, LGBTQ community organizations. *** Sogi Backgrounder
**Note** - No Child Psychologist or Parental input was given in the development of the SOGI 123 Resource.
The resource was created in violation of The 1989, Order in Council Statement of Education Policy Order which requires that parents participate in the development of policies.
The OIC states:
• Parents: have the right and responsibility to participate in the process of determining the educational goals, policies and services provided for their children. They have a primary responsibility to ensure that children are provided with the healthy and supportive environment necessary for learning. They have a responsibility to help shape and support the goals of the school system and to share in the tasks of educating their young.
The BC School Act also states that parents are entitled to be informed of a student's behaviour and progress in school and that a parent may consult with school staff with respect to the student's educational program, yet, in spite of these legal privileges that are granted to parents, the SOGI 123 agenda uses "confidentiality" as grounds for not involving parents in this crucial part of their child's education.
Alberta recently passed a bill prohibiting parents from being informed if their child joins a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) club at school. GSA's are supported by organizations who produce gay porn.
SOGI was a Trojan horse, brought into schools under the guise of anti-bullying and to teach children to be "Inclusive" and support LGBTQ2+ students. However, the SOGI 123 resource goes way beyond this to indoctrinating kids into unhealthy sexual behaviour and confusion through lies and misinformation.
Many teachers and parents are unaware of the resource as the Ministry of Education has intentionally neglected to inform the public. Parents are also unaware that activities have been in place in schools, for many years, that seemed benign, but were also created by the ARC foundation, 'Out in Schools' (warning graphic), the Queer Film Festival, and others directly associated with the LGBTQ political movement. 'Out in Schools' is associated with the Queer Film Festival who produce gay porn. **The ARC foundation, reportedly, funds the Queer Film Festival. The websites have exposed students to explicit gay porn.
An example of an activity held without parental consent or knowledge is Sex at Lunch. Hosted by teachers for students at a Vancouver public high school. The students were instructed not to tell theirs parents.
It is vital for parents to engage their children and youth in conversation.
Take Action...Print, sign and present the following Declaration of Family Rights to your school principal and take authority over your child's education. Please read the instructions carefully.
This political agenda can be revoked. But parents, educators and leaders, must get involved. In Ontario, under the leadership of a new provincial government, the Wynne sex-ed curriculum is currently being repealed due to the strong opposition of Parents As First Educators (PAFE). An organization who are rallying parents through a grassroots movement. In BC, Culture Guard is working tirelessly to do the same.
Society is being turned upside down for the trans community who make up approximately .01% of the population (combined LGBTQ 3%).
The LGBTQ2+ Political Lobby group are not interested in creating genuine unity but instead, because of their consistent overreach into every facet of society, are provoking resentment due to their contentious demands...thus the political symbol of the crosswalk in turn becomes a contentious matter as is the flag. This is a massive movement viciously imposing their agenda by forging through society voraciously consuming anything in its path that does not agree or conform to their ideology. They trample on the Charter Rights of all faith groups, Christians, fellow citizens, and create unequal rights, for a small, select group, with venomous precision. The double standard, through their intolerance and mean spirited attacks against individuals, the family unit, churches, businesses, and universities, is evidence.
Elected Officials, Teachers and Parents who have naively decided to support the SOGI 123 resource, rainbow crosswalks and the raising of the flags, may have had good intentions but truly need to step back and understand the detrimental consequences of the LGBTQ2+ movement. It is a Social Engineering Propaganda machine. Accomplished through manipulating our laws, our sense of fairness, compassion and sympathy.
Hiding behind the beauty of the rainbow does not negate the evil it now encompasses.
The original biblical meaning of the Rainbow is one of grace for humanity and undeserved favour.
Reportedly the Prime Minister and every Liberal and NDP (NDP) leader, as well as some in the Conservative party, support Bill C-16 and the LGBTQ2+ agenda.
Governments, including our school boards, which we support with our taxes, and which we have helped to elect, are misusing their powers to undermine parental authority and institute this harmful propaganda.
Therefore it is time to:
• Scrutinize the values and policies of 'every' elected official - School Trustees, City Councilors, Mayors, MLA's, MP's, etc.
• Demand the Canadian Government pull out of the UN.
• Demand 'gender expression and gender identity' be removed from the Human Rights Code, both provincially and federally.
We respect an individual's right to live according to their own beliefs but when it so forcefully impedes on the rights of others, with such devastating consequences, there must be fierce, swift and righteous opposition.
Rise up Canada! Rise up Parents and Leaders, from all faith groups and backgrounds!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing!
Edmund Burke
Join organizations who are working to make a difference.
Volunteer, donate, write letters!
Our friends at Culture Guard are taking strong positive action against SOGI 123, and all political propaganda Nationwide. We have the the power to unite and generate change. Legal action, as well, is forthcoming. View brochure for details.
Sign up to Culture Guard and be informed of meetings, rallies and events to inform the public and give support to leaders and teachers. Parents United Canada AKA CultureGuard
Thank you
From the Team at CC4RG

Coalition For Responsible Government
Protecting Rights and Freedoms
"Canada is founded upon principles that recognize theSupremacy of God and the rule of law".
Resources and Information:
policies affecting your child right now in BC schools. (the
curriculum will be similar across the Nation)
SOGI 123 K-1
What is a
"Be careful not to draw girls and boys in gender stereotypical ways (i.e. stick figures with skirts or pants) or using gendered colours (i.e. pink and blue)"
123 K-12 Why That's so Gay is not
"Who knows what the word gay means? (definition: a man who is romantically attracted to another man, or a woman who is romantically attracted to another woman. Students might also know the word lesbian, which is only for 2 women who are romantically attracted to other women)".
123 Gr2-3 Fairy Tales and Gender
"Use the book, King and King, to prompt student thinking about marriage equality. Ask students if two princes or princesses can get married or not".
SOGI 1 2 3
-Learning Module - Curriculum
view 5:20 Grade - Primary. "There are people that are boys, there are people that are girls, there are people whose gender might be a little bit of both or might even be neither".
Rainbow song, "Gender
won't decide the choices we make. Some boys like dressing up, some
girls liking catching snakes".
SOGI 1 2 3 - Learning Burst
- BC SOGI Educator
To ensure the curriculum is taught in every class a school "lead" will be placed at every school to visit classrooms and oversee teachers.
Gay teacher teaches kids to accept gay at age 4
Students instructed to roll play being gay. https://www.surreynowleader.com/news/surrey-grade-8-lesson-on-open-mindedness-draws-fire/
exploiting and grooming our own children by those who are obviously
struggling and
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6Q85SCtr9Y ***Published on Apr 14, 2018
Glen Hansman, President of the BCTF has an agenda: To tell every child in BC that they are gender fluid and that boys can be girls. He is one of the minds behind the outrageous language alterations and can be seen discussing this in the video from January 2017.
Paediatrician speaks on the serious harms of puberty blockers
Surrey grandmother catches man filming her in shower at Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre
. ."mandates training for teachers, support for GSAs (Gay Straight
Alliances), specialized counsellor training and inclusion of
supportive books in libraries and curriculum, among other measures."
This means there will be training for teachers and counsellors to be
instruments of propaganda on behalf of homosexual activism, support
for "Gay-Straight Alliances" (GSAs) that spread propaganda among
students, and the altering of curriculum to make sure that the
pro-homosexuality message permeates it.
language Headed "Safe and Caring Schools: Sexual
Orientation and Gender Identity,"it begins with some rather
soothing words: "Education is the primary purpose of the district.
The educational programs in Schools shall include curriculum topics
and learning resources that reaffirm the inclusion of all members of
our community regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity."
But further down in the words of the regulation it is made clear that
the mandated changes are to be reflective of only one point of view,
excluding the view-point of parents of traditional morality.
"The District shall provide training to all new personnel as part of its employee orientation workshops. This training shall help to eliminate discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and will promote LGBTQ inclusivity".
"Biased library "resources" "Teacher librarians shall be encouraged to examine their existing collections to restrict learning resources that contain homophobic and or transphobic bias as well as to consider this bias in any future purchasing of resources."
How to Oppose the Transgender Movement
Canadian Parents Aim to Raise 3 Million for Court Challenge
What is Gender Ideology
I'll leave you with these two thoughts...
"Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society"
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing!
Edmund Burke